Thursday, January 17, 2008

Meeting 7 - January 9, 2008

Present: Tim, Leah, Ginnie, Maddie, Rafe, Caytee, Alex, April

1) Point People for this semester:

PR/Publicity: Leah, Ginnie, April

Internal Communications: Tim, Rafe

Volunteer Coordinating: Caytee, Maddie

Garden “expert”/Planner: Gillian (suggested though not present)

Budget and Finance: Alex

University Relations: Oliver? Who else?

2) Publicity Ideas

April: made a prototype canvas bag – to be sold at Organic Corner for 5-10 dollars

Logo contest? Or do we have our logo w/April’s beet picture?
-need to resubmit to AUS/SSMU listservs
-stickers: Maddie has an in
-events? Maple sugar/snow selling at 4 corners, potato stamps
-have an event or party planned for activities night
-summer recruitment: advertise at Midnight Kitchen: pamphlets, posters/ announcements

3) Cold Frame building plans

Can we use Arch or Engineering shops?
Tentative plans to do something on Sunday

4) Tim: Trevor says we can have a presence at the sustainable campuses conference (late Jan/early Feb)
-can do a 30 minute presentation if we prepare and register

5) Maddie: we should change meetings to potlucks

6) Leah: do we want to be part of heritage seed bank network? I have an in

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